Andy Qua, thank you, for bringing us Cube Runner to the iPhone/iPod Touch via AppStore. The game's objective is simple: fly through a 3D landscape littered with cubes. Hit a cube, you 'splode. Don't hit a cube and you rack up points. The further you go the faster you fly and the more complex landscape you must navigate. Well done, sir. Well done.
Unfortunately with Vandy buying my iPhone in March I don't expect a 3G will be coming my way anytime soon, but I am pleased with the outcome of the 2.0 firmware update for the iPhone (both first-gen and 3G models). The 2.0 update brings me ActiveSync with the Exchange system at work for live updates of email, contacts and calendars including multiple contact groups. The scientific calculator has been handy for subnet calculations. Probably the greatest thing is the AppStore with hundreds (and growing) applications available over-the-air with over 50% of them free of charge. I've been accused of becoming an Apple fanatic -- a label I'm willing to live with -- and in keeping with that I will say the iPhone is one of the greatest devices for the consumer wanting a phone, digital audio player, portable video and a browser capable of full-screen browsing. Sure, there are others out there but how many have such an easy-to-use interface that well, even a two year old can master?
This weekend I saw "The Dark Knight" as well as "Hancock". DK was, in a word, awesome! Christian Bale is the definitive Batman and Heath Ledger is hands-down the best Joker. Bale easily portrays Bruce Wayne in a way that Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, and George Clooney (was that even worthy of 'Batman' status?) never could. Let's hope he continues the Batman saga and doesn't disappoint with Terminator 4. Ledger's performance as The Joker was evil, dark, unyielding and overall stellar. It's a shame he will no longer be able to give another powerful performance. Dark Knight's two and half hours didn't feel that long thanks to the intense action and steady plot. No spoilers here but one question for my audience -- where can I get one of those Batmobiles?
"Hancock" was a decent movie and worth seeing in the theater (compared to the wasted $17 dropped on "The Happening"). Will Smith was good in this movie and the one-liners were hilarious! Jason Bateman's role was nondescript basically serving as a cast filler to make the story work with Smith and Charlize Theron bringing the brawn and beauty, respectively.
Having owned my car for just over a year now I thought it would be a good time to change the cabin air filter. If you don't know, many cars built since 2000 have cabin air filtration systems. Want to know if yours does? Check out a site like Google or check in with AutoZone.
Don't try and clean it, just replace it. They average $20-30 at AutoZone and three cars that I've changed the filter on took no more than 15 minutes each. Most manufacturers recommend changing them annually, or 15K miles. It does make a difference! See for yourself (obviously, new filter on the left)...