Wednesday, July 08, 2009

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Friday, July 03, 2009


One of my favorite shows on TV is being cut short on NBC -- "Kings" will be ending in a few weeks. The show is set in a future time in the city of Shiloh in the country of Gilboa. A loose retelling of the story of King David, (his daughter is Michelle, or "Michal") the show's visual symbolism is amazing. The crown of butterflies on David's head, when David avoids a sniper thanks to a lone dove, smoke blowing in two different directions -- all examples to watch for. You can catch up on the series thanks to now through September 20, 2009. After that you'll have to buy (or rent/Netflix) the DVDs of the series. My favorite aspect to the show is the formality in speech, in particular with King Silas (Ian McShane). In "Pilgrimage" he says a prayer that I really love; I'll repeat it here for Steph and Ethan:
My Family - always in my heart when not in my eye. May the time apart enrich the time spent together. May there be enough love left over until the next time we join hands. Amen.