Monday, February 12, 2007


I watched a show recently that made me open my relatively-closed mind a bit. One of the topics was that of forgiveness -- whether it's forgiving someone or something -- for something that has happened to you. For example, in 2003 my way of thinking was 'what did I do to deserve this?' Today, I'm taking a new approach.

Thank you for giving me that

Cancer wasn't fun. Work can be a drag at times. Bills can be stressful. However, each of these things have added positive experiences to my life. I don't like paying bills, but I am happy and thankful that I am able to pay them. Work and deadlines can be challenging, but these challenges make me stronger. The challenges show me, and teach me, that I am capable of handling each and every one of them. Battling cancer was tough -- and my greatest achievement yet -- but having had that experience showed me things that I either never knew before, or knew but took for granted. I now know that I have countless friends who were there for my family (and for me). I saw and experienced what faith can do.

That, my friends and family, is why I can forgive and be thankful.

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