Sunday, April 29, 2007

Car Care Questions Answered

Now that spring has come and most of the pollen is gone it's easier to keep a car clean. I've been asked several times lately what I use to clean the Acura TL with -- and what I use to attempt to keep it clean. So, I thought what better forum to answer those questions but on my blog.

Q: Do you hand wash your car?
A: I'd love to, and when I can, I do. However, I typically visit my local Super SpeedWash and get their Wheel Deal. Though automated, it does an exceptional job washing the car and shining the tires. However, once I drive around the vacuums, I always hand-dry the car with diaper cloth and take it home for the fine details.

Q: What products do you use?
A: I use a multitude of products. Specifically:

Q: Micro-fiber cloth instead of towels?
A: You bet. Towels leave lint. Towels are wasteful. A good micro-fiber cloth cleans incredibly well without any solvent/solution most of the time. I personally use VROOM micro-fiber automotive cloths from Target, but most any will do.

Have more questions? Just ask!

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